Abstract Expressionism
Abstract Expressionism
Violet, Black, Orange, Yellow on White and Red, 1949, Color Field Painting, Mark Rothko
Expressionist artists started emerging after World War II, their work was often large scale paintings that lacked a clear focal point as well as showed visible signs of the artists working process. The subject of their work was mostly non-objective imagery but in some cases related to the collective human experience. Not always will all the characteristics of expressionist work exist in the same piece at the same time. The unique representation of process in different artists' work, lead to artistic theories that individual actions give meaning and the creative process was more important than the artwork itself. Often these individual actions where expressed as gesture marks, or brush strokes.
Abstract expressionism found inspiration in the collective human experience, and philosophy. Artists like Mark Rothko created meditative paintings. His blocks of horizontal color were simplistic and intend to ask for less vigorous thought from the viewer and influence a more tranquil state of mind. Artists painting shapes and lines in a variety of color with no clear focal point or subject in their work were the most heavily influenced by the collective human experience. Imagery expanding on the collective human experience can be related to by all humans ambiguously, while individual experiences are brought on by more distinct imagery. They were also the artists with the most signs of creative process in their work. In the case of Jackson Pollock, his work did not have a clear focal point and was composed through the tossing, splashing and pouring of paint over the top of his canvas. His work was rather simplistic but instead of affording a meditative experience it affords an emotionally charged chaotic experience.
Expressionism art was influenced by the collective human experience, philosophy, and the process while creating; almost a strange combination if I might add. Expressionism not only drew from philosophy it also contributed to pop culture and other artistic movements such as minimalism. Abstract expressionism broadened the characteristics that classify a two-dimensional or three-dimensional objects as artwork.
This post is amazing Cayton. I love abstract expressionism and the way you were able to convey the significance was great. Though I enjoy analyzing and creating it, I did not know that there is a philosophical influence on it- very interesting. Not much to improve on here, but the small spelling error in Marilyn Monroe's name. Other than that, this was a great post!